Thursday, March 31, 2011

Prompts: Terri Hojnacki

Alice Sebold Haiku, based on The Lovely Bones
‘Neath the dirt and grass
A cave of torturous death
Freedom comes long last

Keats Haiku
Young and lost in air
Lady Brawne, thy love for thee
Dreampt of futures fair

Freelance Muse – Wanted Ad
Looking for writer in need of inspiration. Let me be your magical muse. Will provide wondrous words and prolific plots. To contact me: Blink three times and shout.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Prompts: Margaret Thompson

Margaret Thompson: In The Mind of a Sled
In-Club Prompt

Oh my goodness, here comes that little kid again.  I hope to steer better this time, thought I would loose one of my runners that last trip.  Oh good grief, he just jumped on my boards and nearly broke me.  Well here we go!  Opps this kid needs glasses, he nearly hit another sled - a bigger one than me!  I coulda been fine wood after that last trip.  Whew, the ride is almost over and I'm still in one piece - wood, runners, and all in tact.  Wonder if there will be more snow tomorrow. 

Margaret's First EVER Haiku-style Poem!
How my heart swells to
view our names entwined in a heart
on the cold frosted windowpane.


Prompts: Ross Meyer

Created In-Club by Ross Meyer

In the mind of…A Snow Shovel
I am being used like a prostitute for my services, but I don’t get paid so I’m more like her prosthetic arm. They grab by my hand and shove my flat end, the barbers’ hand into the frozen fluff that turns metallic build cold and runs a shiver down my pole. Endlessly rising and talking, retrieving and throwing the snow, I’m starting to get sick. I think I’m pregnant.

Byron Haiku
Incestuous man
Life ruining tortured soul
Magnificent writer

The Terror (in which we had to use our own name in a short prose piece)
Outside the village outside the water, lies a cave so desolate it is futile to bother. With talons sharp as wit, and a body perfectly fit, legendary myths tell of him. His howl at the moon forced the villagers to migrate until sunlight, when his heart will melt like a preteen watching Twilight. Eventually, in the back of his head, well, as the story said. A fowl beast rotten as eggs without the dairy, his name is Ross and I hear he’s pretty scary.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Monday News!

This information is also on our Official Website.

A Few Words From Club President Stella Wilfinger...

"Ross Meyer, Writing Club member for the second semester in a row, is starting an interesting approach to storytelling: he will be reading fictional journals, chapters, poems, and other relevant material on YouTube - and it will all be a part of one story. Examining humanity, Meyer's project will be an epistolary story via the web: proof that times, they are a-changin''! We wish him luck and are certain he'll meet with success. The importance of hearing an author narrate his own work will be part of the excitement in this project."