Thursday, December 2, 2010

Some Links!

Hello, All!

Courtesy of member Amy Gogo, we have some good links to check out!

I haven't researched them yet, but will get around to it soon.  In the mean time, explore away! 

Thank you, Amy!

~ Stella

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Celebrating C.S. Lewis

This week we honor: C.S. Lewis (Clive Stapleton Lewis), otherwise known as the creator of Narnia!

Lewis is known primarily for the Narnia fantasy series; his brilliant novels The Screwtape Letters, Until We Have Faces, and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell; an outstanding collection of novella-length essays and refelections, including The Problem of Pain, A Grief Observed, and The Psalms; a science fiction collection known as the Cosmic Trilogy - as well as many other novels, essays, and musings.

A student-turned-professor at Oxford University for over 20 years, Lewis went from being an athiest to a Christian while a student, and his work is written to appeal to all audiences: regardless of religion.  While each of his books has a predominantly Christian undertone, there is no need to be Christian to enjoy the way Lewis's brilliant mind thinks.

Born on November 29th, we wish C.S. Lewis a happy birthday!!!!!
